Have you heard of the most magical social media tool called Pinterest? Who am I kidding you probably already know about Pinterest and might be using it all ready for your blog. Pinterest is a huge social media platform and it is mega awesome for bloggers to help them grow their blog and email list.
After starting my motherhood blog Dollar Mommy Club I knew that fastest way to grow it was by using Pinterest.
I had no idea how fast my blog would take off after I started pinning. Since I’ve started to grow my parenting blog I have gained an extra 50,000-70,000 pageviews a month!
**If you’re interested in starting your own blog, check out my easy step-by-step tutorial on how to start a mom blog in 10-15 minutes!**
What is even more nuts is that I have done that with little effort. I will tell you what helped grow my blog exponentially a little later.
Now as busy moms we don’t have the time to focus on social media and our daily house to-do list. So finding ways to grow my blog with little effort was a must!
And as a fellow mom blogger, I know that moms just don’t have time to figure out how to get more people to their blog. In my short time using a Pinterest strategy, I want to share with you 6 ways that helped my blog go from basically 20 views a month to 190,000+ views.
My Pinterest Progression
In December of 2017, I decided that it was time to get my parenting blog on Pinterest. Now I had no clue on how to use Pinterest. The only interaction I had on Pinterest was for my own personal Pinterest account that I really only got on 2-3 times a month.
So Pinterest was totally new to me. When I first started my blog on Pinterest I got 50,742 page views the month of December. This is pretty big especially if you are a new blogger.
When I first started my Pinterest profile I had about 4 boards and 20 pins. I knew that pinning others content was important as well as repining my own. I was manually pinning every day which took up so much of my time!
But I stuck with it because Pinterest was driving traffic to my blog. Plus I learned few tips and tricks along the way.
If you are struggling to get more traffic from Pinterest and you feel like you are constantly just turning your wheels trying to figure it out then I am excited to share with you 6 things I did that dramatically increased my blog traffic as a new blogger in just a few short months!
1. Join Board Groups
Group boards are the absolute best!
Group boards are a place where multiple people pin on the same board. I am apart of 26 + mommy niche boards. The best thing about group boards is that you pin can be seen by thousands or millions more pinners then on your own boards.
- Pro Tip: Join group boards that have 1000 or more followers on it.
2. Start Using Tailwind ASAP
Tailwind is what helped my blog really take off when it was brand new! Tailwind is my BFF! Tailwind is an automated pinning system. So basically that means you schedule your pins in Tailwind and then Tailwind will automatically pin your pin to the boards your choose that pin to go to!
Not only has using Tailwind instantly increased my blog traffic but it saves me so much time! And as busy as moms are anything to help save time is a no-brainer!
Now please understand, these are my results. If you are wanting to see what Tailwinds typical results for Pinterest members are check here to check it out.
Besides Tailwind pining to your boards automatically it also lets you know of the best times to pin to your boards. I love this because when I was manually pinning I never knew what times were the most popular to pin at.
As you can see this is my times that Tailwind has said are the most popular times. Tailwind will let you know more time slots that are popular and you can simple just click the times and it will add it to your pinning schedule.
With my personal boards and group boards, I have over 60 boards altogether. Whenever I was pinning I would manually pin to more than half of those boards and it took for…ev…er! and once again Tailwind saved my life literally!
There is such a thing called Board lists. Which is where you can make a list of relevant boards you want your pins to go to. Since I have two blogs, Dollar Mommy Club and Kara Ferwerda board list make it very easy to post to multiple boards with only one pin!
It is totally up to you on how to categorize your lists. You can even have more than one board on different board lists. Once you make your board lists and you go to schedule your pins. Just by one click, you can pin to multiple boards!
As you can see using Tailwind is a no-brainer! If you are interested in giving Tailwind a try you can schedule your first 100 absolutely FREE! and there is no time limit on when you need to schedule your first 100 pins.
Get Started With Tailwind Now!
Click the button below to start your free trial! (no credit card required)
3. Have Strong Headlines
Having strong headlines can make or break your views to your blog. I see many bloggers who struggle getting views even when they are very active on Pinterest!
Your headlines need to let the reader know what your blog post is about. I have noticed through testing my own pins that “How To” and “Lists” get the most traffic.
Your headline is the first thing pinners will read, and if it is not compelling enough they will not click through to your blog. A way to check to see how your pins are performing in inside your Pinterest Analytics.
From this one pin, I got 12,227 visits to my blog! Just from ONE pin! if you have an okay looking blog but AMAZING content people are going to love your blog. Having high-quality content is going to increase your blogs views and your Pinterest followers.
Pro Tip: Your headlines should try to show the benefit to your reader.
Most of my subscribers to my email list are because they clicked over from Pinterest! Take time when you are coming up with a headline for your blog posts. Because amazing headlines get amazing views!
4. Create Eye Capturing Images
When I first started Pinterest my images where okay but they defiantly improved with time. Pinterest is all about images! Pinners love looking at pictures. And if you have very attractive looking images your traffic, followers, and subscribers will grow instantly!
There are many places that you can find amazing stock images for free! Some of my favorite places are:
- Unsplash
- Pixabay
- Ivory Mis
I am not perfect when it comes to images but I defiantly try!
Here are some tips when it comes to creating Pinterest images:
Best Pin Sizes:
I use three different image sizes:
- 800 X 1244
- 736 X 1128
- For long images such as infographics, I use 976 X 3642
People use different sizes but your pin images must be longer than it is wide.
Easy To Read Fonts:
When creating your pins make sure your fonts are large enough to read.
Hard to read or small text will kill your traffic. There is a lot of competition on Pinterest but if you are creating amazing pins, and content your blog is bound to grow!
Google fonts have some amazing fonts and it is totally FREE! When I create my pins I use Canva.com and they have pre font templets that I love using. Don’t use more than 2 fonts on a pin. Why?
Because too many fonts are hard on people’s eyes and make the pins look too crazy! Remeber when changing the colors of your fonts dark goes and light and light goes on dark. Too many times I see pinner placing dark fonts on dark backgrounds and it makes their fonts hard to read.
Here are some of the first pins I made. ( BTW these were defiantly not the best-looking pins)
These pins are great examples of what not to do! The first one the words are too close so it makes it hard to read. The second pin has dark on dark fonts. The third one is okay but the dark words are on a background that makes the font hard to read.
Know let me show you some good examples:
See the difference! these ones have bigger fonts, more colorful and easier to read.
When choosing an image you want to choose ones that are light and bright! People like images with no faces now that depends on what your niche is. For my mommy blog, I like to use my images to convey emotions. So test different pins. Pictures with faces and pictures without faces to see which ones do better!
5. Brand Your Pinterest Boards
Branding your Pinterest boards help your Pinterest profile to look clean. A lot of pinners have an image with text with the name of there board on it. But Pinterest keeps changing their cover photo sizes so I don’t have cover photos with text only images.
These my boards that are not branded:
Here are my boards that are branded:
Branding your boards quickly lets pinners know what your board is about just by looking at the board cover. Having board covers makes your boards look cleaner as well.
I have been testing the traffic on my non branded boards and my branded boards. And I have to tell you! My branded boards perform way better than my non branded boards!
6. Make sure to optimize your Bio
When I say optimize I mean that your bio is keyworded. Keywords are an easy way for Pinterest to know what type of niche you are in so that it can share it with others. This should be one of the first things that you do so that people know what your profile is about.
My motherhood blog is keyworded for things to deal with motherhood.
When pinners go to my board they know exactly what it is about and what I pin. I give parenting advice- talk about pregnancy and motherhood! This is a way to help you gain followers as well.
Doing all of these tips helped to skyrocket my blogs page views in as little as 3 4 months of blogging. Using tools such as Tailwind helped to grow my Pinterest profile and blog.
When you are consistent with blogging and pinning not only with your traffic grow but your followers as well.
Well, that is it!
Let me know in the comments what you are going to do first to help you grow your traffic!